"ghost patrol! You are under arrest!
ghost patrol! You are under arrest!"

I want ...
all of these
Slammin' pencil paintings

but at over a grand a pop and with more than 30 to choose from ...
this will remain but only a pipe-dream
You like?
You want to see?
Get yo ass down to High Street Armadale and check em out!
Deets - http://www.metro5gallery.com.au/upcomingghost%2Bmiso2008.htm
Oh and who's the artist??? Well Ghost Patrol of course!!
Me, M & P went to the opening partee!! I may blog in more detail later only becoz P scored with his previous purchase of a MISO print ... considering that some of her larger pieces were going from between 3 and 5 thousand ducats ... and he only paid about 200 ...well you do the math. And it was an interesting drive out there ... Hoddle Street - Peak period traffic - stir crazy!!!
Alright back to it ... Boney M just came on the iPhone ... Rasputin anyone??
PS - whatever happened to Gerling?
PPS - wii = crack!!
Phoenix wrote:
Those are really beautiful. That's the sort of art I'd collect.
23 Oct
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